Xiangrui Zeng, PhD
Research Fellow, Massachusetts General Hospital
Mentor: Drs. Diana Rosas, Bruce Fischl, and Juan Iglesias
Project Title: Integrating clinical MRI and ultra-high resolution ex vivo MRI to model laminar anomaly progression in Huntington's disease Learn More

Natalia Pessoa Rocha, PhD, PharmD
Assistant Professor, University of Texas Health Sciences Center at Houston
Mentor: Dr. Erin Furr-Stimming
Project Title: Olfactory dysfunction and clinical correlates in patients with Huntington’s disease Learn More

Nikhil Ratna, PhD
Postdoctoral Scholar, University of Washington
Mentor: Dr. Jeff Carroll
Project Title: Bringing a Historical HD Brain Bank into the Single Cell Era Learn More

Roy Maimon, PhD
Postdoctoral Fellow, University of California San Diego
Mentor: Mentor: Dr. Don Cleveland
Project Title: Identifying Mechanisms of Adult Neurogenesis by Exploiting Single Cell Spatial Transcriptomics and Application to HD Learn More

Thiago Macedo e Cordeiro, MD
Postdoctoral Research Fellow, University of Texas Health Sciences Center at Houston
Mentor: Mentors: Antonio Teixeira, MD, PhD, and Erin Furr-Stimming, MD
Project Title: Home-based TDCS for cognitive and behavioral symptoms in Huntington's disease: a pilot feasibility and mechanistic study Learn More

Jessica Levesley, PhD
Postdoctoral Research Fellow, University of British Columbia
Mentor: Mentor: Dr. Michael Hayden
Project Title: Investigation of the effect and mechanistic drivers of loss of interruption modifier variants in Huntington disease patients Learn More