Tamara Maiuri, PhD
Mentor: Ray Truant, PhD
Project Title: Poly ADP-ribose dysregulation in HD patient samples and potential for therapeutic intervention Learn More

Ana Gámez-Valero, PhD
Mentor: Eulàlia Martí, PhD
Project Title: Plasma extracellular small RNAs as early biomarkers of Huntington’s disease and indicators ofdynamic changes in disease progression Learn More

Charlene Smith-Geater, PhD
Mentor: Leslie Thompson, PhD
Project Title: Modulation of E3 SUMO-ligase PIAS1 in 3D cortico-striatal assembloids and investigation of theHD relevant CSF SUMO-ome Learn More

Alby Richard, MD, PhD
Mentor: Samuel Frank, MD
Project Title: Oculomotor Learning as a Biomarker in Huntingt on’s Disease (HD) patients Learn More

Joan O'Keefe, PhD, PT
Mentor: Deborah Hall, MD, PhD
Project Title: Neural underpinnings of cognitive, balance and gait deficits in Huntington’s disease Learn More