The words Long Term Care usually elicit a variety of questions from family caregivers and families. How do I select the right facility for my loved one? What questions should I ask? When will I know it’s time to think about placement? How will we pay for it? What if the facility doesn’t know anything about HD? To help families become familiar with Long Term Care, HDSA has created this special section with links to HDSA publications, seminars, and other tools that you may find helpful as you begin your long-term care journey.

To access the HDSA social workers and other resources directory please click here. Our social workers can help you to find the best placement for your loved one with HD. While some states may have facilities that offer specialized HD care, almost any skilled nursing facility can provide a safe and enriching experience for your loved one.  It all comes down to training and making staff and the resident feel safe and supported. Our social workers can train the facility staff on how HD is different from some of the other long-term diseases and conditions for which they routinely provide care, and you can help the staff understand your loved one’s likes and dislikes. Working together with the staff, you can help to create that bridge between your loved one’s before and now life. 

Publications and other resources you might find helpful

HDSA Family Guide to Long Term Care

HDSA Family Guide to Advanced Directives

HDSA Caregiver Guide for HD Families

What is Slowed Processing by Martha Nance, MD

How to Complain to a Nursing Home

What to Do after Moving your Loved One

Medicaid Coverage

In home Care Options

When to Think About Long Term Care

When to Call a Physical or Occupational Therapist

When to Call a Speech-Language Pathologist

Role of a Speech-Language Pathologist

Long Term Care – What to Expect

Finding Long Term Care for your Loved One

Mass Mutual Financial Planning – Public and Private Benefits