
- 2024 HDF Milton Wexler Biennial Symposium
- National Make-A-Will Month  
- 2018 HDSA Berman-Topper Fellow joins Faculty at University of Toronto 

2024 HDF Milton Wexler Biennial Symposium  

Last week, HDSA staff were excited to join the Hereditary Disease Foundation’s Milton Wexler Biennial Symposium in Boston, MA. The conference draws HD researchers from across the globe for presentations from leading HD labs about their work studying the disease. The editors of HDBuzz were on the scene to live-tweet updates from the conference, which were combined into articles which are now available on their website. See the summaries of conference days one, two, three and four at 

National Make-A-Will Month  

August is National Make-a-Will month, a reminder of the importance of estate planning to make sure your wishes are honored, and your family is protected. Last year, HDSA partnered with FreeWill, a free resource for the HD community to use to plan for their financial future. By creating your will this month, you can get peace of mind for the future. It only takes 20 minutes to complete and can be paired with an attorney for complex needs. Learn more about FreeWill here, and read more about the importance of making a will and steps to prepare one from HDSA’s disability expert, Allison Bartlett, Esq, here. 

2018 HDSA Berman-Topper Fellow joins Faculty at University of Toronto 

Last week, the University of Toronto announced that leading structural biologist and 2018 recipient of HDSA’s Berman-Topper Family Career Development Fellowship, Dr. Rachel Harding, will join the Lesie Dan Faculty of Pharmacy as an Associate Professor. This exciting milestone in Dr. Harding’s career underscores her contributions to the field of HD research thus far and those yet to come—congratulations, Rachel! Read more about Dr. Harding’s work and this news here.