Happy Thanksgiving and a big thank you to members of the HD community for your participation in research. Medicine moves forward through community engagement and participation, along with the work of hundreds of health workers and scientists who have dedicated their lives to treating and researching HD. 

If you’re a reader of this blog, you’re actively choosing to stay informed about HD news, HD science, and HDSA research activities, and we thank you for trusting HDSA as a source. The more awareness within our community about evidence-based research, the greater the participation, and the faster the field can move towards effective treatments for HD.  

HDSA will always recommend re-visiting www.hdtrialfinder.org to check out opportunities to participate in research studies near you, as well as www.enroll-hd.org to join the largest and most important HD study worldwide. There are also several online surveys currently available on HDSA’s website.    

Be safe this holiday season, and celebrate what keeps us strong…family.