When symptoms of HD start before the age of 20, this is known as juvenile onset Huntington’s disease, or JHD. A team in Italy led by Dr. Fernando Squitieri did a large analysis of data from big studies like REGISTRY and ENROLL, comparing JHD with adult HD and revealing new insights into how Huntington’s affects young people. This is an area of great need for many families, and the new data is a step towards bringing effective therapies to younger patients. Read the full story about this work in the latest HD Buzz post

Gene Veritas blogs about Roche HDSA webinar

Blogger and HD advocate Gene Veritas is an engaged and active writer and community member who provides a great perspective on current topics and news in HD research and beyond. This week he shared his interpretations and thoughts on the HDSA research webinar presented by Roche.

We’ve received hundreds of questions about the upcoming GENERATION-HD1 and Natural History Trials, and we thank you for your engagement and for your patience. Stay tuned for an HDSA FAQ in which we will unpack the news further and answer your questions posed during and after the webinar!