Understanding Behavior in Huntington’s Disease: A Guide for Professionals

Arik C. Johnson, Psy.D., Jane S. Paulsen, Ph.D., 2014, 66 pages. A must-read for anyone who deals extensively with an HD-affected individual, this book explains not only the behavior challenges created by HD, but their origin in the HD-affected brain. By understanding the basis of these behaviors, the authors are able to suggest effective ways of dealing with and preparing for them. The book also covers environmental, individual and health factors that contribute to behavior problems. Problem-solving tips and techniques are given for behaviors arising from communication difficulties, memory problems, cognitive break-down and emotional instability.


SPECIAL OFFER: Thanks to a generous educational grant, HDSA is able to offer this updated guide available to HD families and their medical professionals at no cost.

Since the first edition of Understanding Behavior was published in 2000, much has been added to our understanding about HD including behavioral changes that take place along the continuum of the disease.

Written specifically for medical professionals, this second edition contains strategies that can be shared with caregivers as well as case studies that illustrate many of the most challenging behaviors associated with HD.

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