HDSA Center of Excellence at Vanderbilt University Medical Center
2220 Pierce Avenue, Suite B1053
Nashville, TN 37232
Phone number to make appointments: +1 615-936-1924
Social Worker: Spencer Diehl
Email: spencer.diehl@vumc.org
Phone: +1 615-936-1924
Social Worker/Research Coordinator: Elisa Cancino, LMSW
Email: elisa.cancino@vumc.org
Phone: +1 615-936-6309
Directions: This address will take you to the Vanderbilt-Ingram Cancer Center. You are welcome to valet park your car here (free of charge) OR park in the garage after the four way stop to your left. (South Garage) You will enter the Vanderbilt-Ingram Cancer Center through the revolving doors and to your right will be a set of elevators. Be sure the elevators are labeled, “Preston Research Building.” Then, you will take the elevator to floor ‘B’. Step out of the elevator a few feet and to your left will be Suite 1053, The Neurology Clinic.
Website: https://www.vanderbilthealth.com/clinicalneurosciences/44384