Researchers from Monash University in Australia are seeking people with the HD gene as well as their partners or carers to complete a short, 15-minute online survey about their health, mood and activities to help us better understand how apathy (a loss of motivation) occurs across the lifespan of people with the Huntingtin gene.
This is important as apathy negatively affects people’s engagement with their friends, families and everyday activities. These effects are often also felt by family members, so we are also seeking responses from partners and carers of a person with HD. If you would be interested in participating in this research, the links to the consent form and surveys can be found below.
If you are HD gene positive, please complete the HD Participant Questionnaire.
If you are a partner or caregiver, please complete the HD Partner Questionnaire.
You may contact doctoral student Kelly Atkins,,with questions about this research.