To view presentations please click on the links below. The links labeled recorded will bring to another website to view the recording of that presentation. Those noted as “presentation only” have a PDF powerpoint presentation. You must have Acrobat Viewer to view them. Please click here if you need to download Acrobat Viewer. Please note that not all workshops have presentations. We thank all of our presenters for sharing their presentations.
In case you missed the 2015 Annual HDSA Convention here is a recap.
HDSA’s National Youth Alliance
2015 Chapter & Affiliate Awards Recipients
2015 National Awards Recipients
Click here to view pictures of the 2015 Annual HDSA Convention
Friday, June 26, 2015
Opening Ceremony (Recorded)
Denial & Unawareness in HD (Recorded)
When to call a physical or occupational therapist?
HD 101 (Recorded)
NYA 101
Defining yourself and not the disease
Clinical trials demystified: What is it like to participate and why am I needed?
When to call a speech-language pathologist
Recognizing Apathy and Depression (Recorded)
Roadmap for HD- what comes next?
How to Talk with Law Enforcement About HD (Recorded)
Advocacy in Action
Coping with Perseveration (Recorded)